Oral Histories

Golden Age of International House Berkeley CoverI-House Oral Histories

Over the years, interviews with alumni have been captured and documented to preserve the history of our remarkable institution. There are printed transcripts of conversations from alumni featured in The Golden Age of I-House Berkeley: An Oral History of the Post World War II Era, compiled and edited by Jeanine Castello-Lin and Tonya Staros.  View Flipbook 

Pictured below are people featured in interviews archived by the Oral History Center of UC Berkeley's Bancroft Library. We are embarking on a new initiative to interview more I-House alumni for oral histories. If you would like to provide an interview or volunteer to help, please contact Laurie Ferris, I-House Communications Manager, at lferris@berkeley.edu.

Harry Edmonds

Harry Edmonds (IH 1919-34)
Image credit: 
Oral History Center

Flora Elizabeth Reynolds

Flora Elizabeth Reynolds (IH 1930-42)
Image credit: 
Mill Valley Public Library

Emmett J. Rice

Emmett J. Rice (IH 1946-48)
Image credit: 
New York Times

Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown (IH 1960-61)
Image credit: 

Allen Carrier Blaisdell

Allen Carrier Blaisdell (IH 1930-61)
Image credit: 
Bob Lynds

Edith Simon Coliver

Edith Simon Coliver (IH 1940-43)
Image credit: 
Oral History Center

Marion Ross

Marion Ross (IH 1946-52)
Image credit: 
Oral History Center

Bartlett & Winifred Heard

Bartlett & Winifred Heard (IH 1965-71)
Image credit: 
The Bancroft Library