Let there be peace on earth

December 30, 2024

Peace dove 2024

Dear I-House Community,

Let there be peace on earth in the coming year, and always!

Thanks to all who have already made gifts to I-House and our mission of peace. We are grateful for your support.

If you've yet to make a gift in 2024, there's still time to join our world-wide community of supporters before 2025 begins. Your gift, of any size, is an investment in I-House and in the lives of our global residents and helps advance a better, kinder world of greater understanding.

Please visit our giving page to donate online or mail your check to International House (postmarked by December 31, 2024) to:

International House
Alumni Relations and Philanthropy
2299 Piedmont Avenue
Berkeley, CA  94720

As a nonprofit organization (tax ID # 94-1167403), I-House relies on the generosity of our alumni and friends to keep our doors open to the world. Thank you in advance for your support.


Shaun Carver, I-House Executive Director

Shaun R. Carver Ed.D., MBA 
Executive Director and CEO