The I-House Connection: April 2021

April 8, 2021

Dear I-House Alumni and Friends,

In this edition of the I-House Connection, I’d like to share with you the exciting news that due to a fantastic response to the upcoming reopening of I-House, the number of confirmed offers for residency, and optimism about the Fall, we are now pleased to offer double-occupancy rooms. Please see the message below from Roxanne Pifer, our Director of Admissions and Housing Operations, and help us spread the good news!

I’d also like to encourage the I-House community to engage in a special workshop on diversity, equity and inclusion to be offered later this month by the Robertson Center for Intercultural Leadership. Details and enrollment information are also included below.

Finally, I’m pleased to share the thought-provoking recording of a special “Conversation Across Generations” hosted by our Program Office between staff member Joy Iwasa and her grandmother about her experience in an internment camp during World War II.

Thank you for your support in keeping the I-House dream alive!


Shaun Carver, I-House Executive Director
Shaun R. Carver
Executive Director
International House, UC Berkeley

I-House Admissions Update

Roxanne Pifer, Director of Admissions and Housing Operations

Dear I-House Community,

We are now pleased to be accepting double room applications for the 2021-2022 academic year.  We particularly encourage undergraduate students to apply to live in one of our economically priced double occupancy rooms. Experience has shown that those who live in one of our doubles have an exceptionally rich intercultural learning experience here at I-House.

Still have questions about living at I-House? Please visit our website or contact the I-House Admissions staff at If you know someone who would like to apply, or can help spread the word, please share our admissions link.

Robertson Center for Intercultural Leadership Workshop
April 21-30, 2021

Diversity, equity and inclusion — commonly referred to as DEI — has taken center stage in the workplace. In this workshop, learn how to measure and develop inclusive leadership skills in two weeks. Now Accepting Enrollments

Robertson Center for Intercultural Leadership Workshop April 21-30, 2021

Dates and times:
April 21 / 23 / 28 / 30, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (U.S. and Canada)


Each participant will have access to:

  • The Inclusive Behaviors Inventory (IBI), a statistically validated assessment of five key dimensions of inclusion.

  • Four live, virtual two-hour workshops to build your global inclusion skills.

  • Online e-learning that covers the background and use of the IBI.

  • Practice debriefing the IBI report for others in an executive coaching or training session.

  • A network of professional peers to support you in your inclusive leadership journey.

$1,149 / person


For more information, email

Conversations Across Generations

The I-House Programs Office continues to offer remote programs that encourage our I-House community to engage across generations and perspectives. Last week, the Programs Office hosted a program featuring a conversation between staff member Joy Iwasa and her grandmother about her experience in an internment camp during World War II. 

At the age of 21, Yae Wada “Mana," a Nisei (second-generation Japanese American), and her family were forced by the U.S. Government to relocate from lives in Berkeley, CA to an internment camp in Topaz, Utah. Mana is currently 101 years old and this is only part of her life story, but it has defined her remarkable experience that we now have the privilege of knowing. We are pleased to share the recorded program with our alumni and friends.

Conversations Across Generations: Yae Wada “Mana"

We thank you for staying connected to International House Berkeley. We welcome your participation in our online Global Community where you can read Shaun's weekly posts and connect with I-House friends.

I-House Berkeley Connect New Members March 2021


I-House Alumni Relations, Communications, and Philanthropy Team
(510) 642-4128