The I-House Connection: July 2021

July 15, 2021

Dear I-House Alumni and Friends,

Shaun Carver, I-House Executive Director

In this edition of the I-House Connection, I wish to thank our dedicated Board Members, especially those who are rotating off the Board after many years of service, and those who are stepping up into new leadership roles on the Board. Roxanne Pifer’s Admissions and Scholarships update announces the fabulous news that I-House will once again be full of residents next month, and we have a long waiting list of applicants. I am pleased to announce formally the 2021-22 Gateway Fellowships, offer congratulations to all of the worthy recipients, and thank the many generous donors who make these awards possible. Finally, as we restaff I-House after our temporary closure, I am also pleased to share Regina Parker’s invitation to spread the word about our job opportunities. Thanks as always for your support in helping to keep the I-House dream alive.


Shaun Carver, I-House Executive Director
Shaun R. Carver
Executive Director
International House, UC Berkeley

Board Transitions

I-House Board of Directors transitions effective July 1, 2021, include incoming Vice-Chair, Jay Paxton and outgoing Vice Chair Emerita, Jamy Faulhaber, both of whom have graciously served in many capacities on the Board almost continuously since 1974. In addition to Jamy Faulhaber, also rotating off the Board are Vice-Chair Emeritus Peter Robertson, and Milan Kaur. Continuing Board Member Bukola Mabadeje will now be leading the I-House Development Committee as Chair. Many thanks to all of these generous Board members for their many years of service, guidance, and support. 

I-House Board Transitions

See the full list of I-House Board Members at

I-House Admissions & Scholarships Update

Roxanne Pifer, Director of Admissions and Housing Operations

Roxanne Pifer

The summer is flying by and we will be welcoming our first early arrival residents into International House as soon as August 8th! Our Admissions Team is working hard to get our final offers out to applicants as the house is near capacity for Fall 2021 with an extensive waiting list. In addition, we are hard at work planning for the New Resident Orientations, Retreats, Coffee Hours, and floor events that will take place in August. Dates and details are coming soon. We are so excited to meet all new and returning residents and look forward to helping everyone navigate our amazing community. For any admissions or early arrival questions, please email sends e-mail).

For questions or concerns about I-House and Campus Fall 2021 arrival guidelines in response to COVID-19, please visit the website(link is external).

For any questions or concerns, please email sends e-mail).

Introducing the 2021-2022 Gateway Fellows!

In collaboration with the UC Berkeley Graduate Division, and through the support of generous donors, International House holds the annual Gateway Fellowships (PDF file) competition for prestigious one-year awards for first-year or continuing graduate students in a Doctoral Program at UC Berkeley. Priority preference is given to new incoming graduate students, and only those with financial needs are eligible.

Award recipients receive one academic year of single-occupancy room and board at International House, fees and tuition paid by the student’s academic department, and a $5,000 stipend from the University of California Graduate Division. To be considered for this award, applicants must be admitted to UC Berkeley for the coming academic year, able to reside in a single-occupancy room at International House, and are nominated by their academic department; or they may apply directly with the support of their department.  The Rafael Rodriguez/Golden Age Fellowship is a similar fellowship for one to two Ph.D. students each year. Nominations are submitted by the student’s department to the Graduate Division.

Now Hiring!
Regina Parker, Human Resources Manager

We are excited to begin the restaffing process to prepare for our reopening in August.

Regina ParkerThe search is underway for job opportunities in our Executive Offices, Philanthropy, Hospitality Services, Operations and Admissions, and Physical Operations. If you or someone you know would be interested in any of these positions, please visit the Jobs portal:  For hiring questions, please email

We are now looking for our next Executive Chef, Sous Chefs, and Dining Manager to serve 19 meals a week to over 500 residents from around the world. If you or someone you know are up for the challenge, visit our Jobs page.

Our Global Community to Welcome Incoming Residents!

We are excited to invite the incoming residents to join our I-House Berkeley Connect(link is external) later this month. Alumni may sign up to be a mentor, a decade or regional group admin, or a Global Community Ambassador to share the I-House spirit with new residents and fellow alumni. 

Over the years, alumni have asked how to find their I-House friends or an easy way to connect with each other. We delivered this platform at a critical moment in our history, and it has been key to staying connected during our temporary closure. Here are just a few more ways you can interact on the platform:
  • Connect with another member via video chat or direct message;
  • Browse the Alumni Directory and connect with I-House friends;
  • Post or browse job opportunities;
  • Offer mentoring or find a mentor;
  • List your business or passion project in the Business Hub;
  • Read Shaun Carver's Friday posts to stay in the know!

I-House Berkeley Connect Screenshot

Get Started on I-House Berkeley Connect

If you need some assistance or have any questions, just let us know! 


I-House Alumni Relations, Communications, and Philanthropy Team
(510) 642-4128 sends e-mail)