Executive Director Message

Join us for Big Give!

March 9, 2022
Big Give starts tonight at 9 p.m. PST! You can help I-House unlock $10,000 in additional funds from the International House Board of Directors Matching Challenge. Watch this short video from Shaun Carver, I-House Executive Director. #CalBigGive #InternationalHouse

New Year, New Beginnings

January 7, 2022
With gratitude for the generosity of alumni and friends, thank you International House Global Community for all of your support in 2021. As we prepare for Spring term 2022, I’d like to share with you an update and some of the steps we are taking to make the return to I-House as safe, and with as little disruption, as possible.

End of Year Giving

December 21, 2021

Dear I-House Alumni and Friends,

Our sincere thanks if you have supported I-House recently during this, our annual appeal season. If you haven’t yet had a chance, and wish to make a gift now, it is not too late! Here is a convenient link for online giving: ihouse.berkeley.edu/donate

Please note that gifts must be made online by midnight December 31 PST in order to be considered current-year contributions. If you mail a check, it must be...

The I-House Connection: December 2021

December 16, 2021
News from I-House Berkeley. In this issue: Meet Executive Chef Abbie; Fall-Winter I-House Times Newsletter; Alumni Directory Archive

I-House Annual Appeal

December 7, 2020
“As I learn more about I-House’s unique and rich history, the distinct features and needs of this historic building, and our vital mission, the dedicated support of the I-House community is clear.” -Shaun Carver International House Executive Director

A World of Thanks from International House

November 24, 2021

Dear I-House Alumni and Friends,

At this time of year, it is a tradition to reflect with gratitude on the people in our lives, the welcome experiences we have shared, and the places we hold dear.

Despite the many challenges all have faced leading up to this season of Thanksgiving, I want to express my personal thanks and appreciation to you for remaining involved with International House at UC Berkeley. Your engagement makes us all the more successful in pursuing our mission and our shared vision of a more just and peaceful world!...

Farewell to Jason Patent

November 4, 2021

Dear I-House Community,

For over seven years, Dr. Jason D. Patent has led and contributed to a wide range of important functions at International House at UC Berkeley, most notably the Robertson Center for Intercultural Leadership (CIL), a center of excellence for training to advance leadership, understanding, and collaboration across cultures. During Jason’s tenure, in addition to his leadership of CIL, he has contributed importantly to I-House Operations, Programs, Strategy, and Resident...

The I-House Connection: October 2021

October 21, 2021
News from I-House Berkeley. In this issue: New Social Media Ambassador; Glimpses of LIfe at I-House; Memories; Share Your Story

The I-House Connection: September 2021

September 30, 2021
News from I-House Berkeley. In this issue: Pauli Murray Documentary; Meet our new Social Media Ambassador; Share your Story; See Job Opportunities

Remembering I-House's Remarkable History on our 91st Birthday

August 18, 2021

Dear I-House Community -

As we now celebrate the 91st Anniversary of the founding of International House at UC Berkeley, our mission is as relevant as ever: to foster intercultural respect and understanding, lifelong friendships, and leadership skills for a more just and peaceful world.

I am sure that you, our alumni, friends, and new and returning residents share with me the excitement and sense of new possibilities that accompany I-House welcoming back residents now during move-in for Fall 2021 after our sad but necessary...